How to create a winning sales pitch.

A sales pitch is your opportunity to showcase the value of your product or service, and to demonstrate how it can help your customer solve their problems. Its something that is easy to get right and just as easy to get wrong. So, how do you ensure that you get it right?

Here are some general tips on how to create your winning sales pitch:

  1. Understand your ideal customer: Before you begin crafting your sales pitch, it is important to understand your ideal customer's needs and/or pain points. The more you understand about their business and industry, the better equipped you will be to create a pitch that resonates with them.

  2. Keep it simple: A winning sales pitch is one that is easy to understand and remember. Avoid using jargon or industry-specific terms and focus on the key benefits of your product or service. People want to buy the benefit not all the features.

  3. Show, don't tell: People are more likely to remember what they see than what they hear. Use data, statistics, and real-world examples to illustrate the benefits of your product or service, and to back up your claims.

  4. Build trust: Trust is a key factor in the sales process, and it is important to establish trust with your customer as early as possible. Use customer testimonials, case studies, and third-party endorsements to build credibility and trust in your product or service.

  5. Show the value: Highlight the value of your product or service, and explain how it will help the customer achieve their goals. Be specific and quantify the value, by providing metrics such as cost savings, increased productivity, or improved performance.

  6. Tackle price head on. Let people know the likely price and cost options as early as possible. This can save a lot of time later on. If you’ve shown the value, then price shouldn’t be a big barrier.

  7. Ask for the sale: End your pitch by clearly asking for the sale, or providing a clear call to action. This could be asking for an appointment if other decision makers are involved, scheduling a demonstration, or sending a full proposal.

  8. Follow up: The key to closing a sale is to follow up with your customer. After the pitch, keep in touch with your customer and continue to build the relationship. Offer additional information, and be ready to address any questions or concerns that may arise.

  9. Thank the customer for their time. Whatever the outcome, aim to build relationships with customers and be thankful for the opportunity to pitch and learn.

Creating a winning sales pitch takes practice and effort. Use these tips to help build your approach. Take notes and build your knowledge with each delivery. Read articles, blogs, and books to help improve your overall sales skills and knowledge. Finally, remember sales should always be ethical, legal and moral and in line with your stated business values.