Common sales mistakes people make.

Sales isn’t everyone’s favourite subject, with many business owners and staff actively loathing it. I’ve delivered sales training to thousands of SMEs and very few admit to loving it. Many people make simple and avoidable mistakes in their sales processes that cost them sales. Addressing these mistakes could help you to fall in love with sales and make it easier for you to better serve your customers.

Here are some of the common mistakes that we see people make, that are guaranteed to cost you the sale.

  1. Not qualifying sales leads: Not all leads are created equal, and it's important to qualify leads before investing a lot of time and resources pursuing them. Make sure that the leads you're working on are a good fit for your product or service and are likely to convert into profitable customers.

  2. Being unprepared: Going into a sales meeting or call without being fully prepared is a costly mistake. You’ll need to adequately research the customer, their industry and sector, and their specific needs; as well as, how your product or service supports them. That way, you can tailor your sales pitch to address their needs and show them how your solution will benefit them.

  3. Failing to build a relationship: People buy from people they know, like, and trust. Building a relationship with your customer before trying to make a sale is crucial for closing deals and building long-term business. Take time to get to know your customer, listen to their concerns and offer solutions. Keep regular contact with customers throughout the ongoing relationship, this helps to see if their needs are changing and makes them feel valued.

  4. Focusing too much on price: Price is an important consideration for customers, but it's not the only one. Emphasizing the value of your product or service, rather than the price, can help you close more deals, build loyal customers, and generate more suitable referrals.

  5. Not following up: Following up with leads and customers is crucial for closing deals and building lasting relationships. Make sure to keep in touch with leads even if they're not ready to buy right away and always follow up with customers after a sale to ensure they're satisfied, are maximising the use of the product or service, and to identify any potential upsell opportunities or merging issues. Value their business and they’ll value yours.

By avoiding these common sales mistakes, you'll be able to boost your sales, your profit and grow your business. Remember, not all customers are equal and by following some of these steps, you’ll also end up selling to customers you like, and who are more likely to recommend you.

There is no such thing as a natural born sales person. A person must work on their craft to develop their skills. We make sales easier by working with you and or your team to help you define clearer sales plans and processes that make for more sustained and profitable sales and satisfied customers.

Get in touch to see how we can help you.